Saturday, June 9, 2007

Novgorod - bathing out of a cup

The hotel we're staying at in Novgorod is crap. It isn't so much the undersized beds or the broken furniture or the lack of ventilation or the trance music or the unfriendly receptionist, it's the shower. The shower offers 2 alternatives: boiling hot or freezing cold. Both extremities I am unwilling to live with. Sure you can throw all that 'but you've been through far worse in the Navy' stuff at me, but I ain't fighting a war here, I'm on holiday thank you very much. So I've resorted to bathing out of a cup. Mixing the boiling shower water with the freezing tap water to produce a compromise. This process is tedious but inevitable for the sake of my welfare. My first attempt involved a glass cup which proceeded to crack under the temperature changes, leading me to find a shard of glass in my hair and forcing a number of expletives in various languages on my tongue. A trial attempt involving a plastic bag and gravity proved futile. I am now using a mineral bottle cut in half to fulfill my bathing needs. We continue to eat bread and canned fish. Life sucks.


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